Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Still LIfe

Here's a still life image for my second digital photo assignment. The depth of field created a very focused foreground while the background is slightly blurred.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Just in Motion

Both of these photos capture justin's movement. He is clear in both photos, and in both photos the objects moving the fastest are blurred...the frisbee and the ping pong ball. Good times.

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Forbidden Fountain

According to my photo instructor...Trinity Fountain photos are prohibited because everyone takes too many pics of it. Oh well. This one's also a 30 second exposure taken at night.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Late Night Flashlight

This image also comes from the previous assignment dealing with long exposure times to capture lights at night. The process went a little like this:
1. Turn off lights.
2. Set exposure time to 30 seconds and press shutter button.
3. Wildly dance around dorm room with roommate and a couple flashlights.

Campus Lights

My first assignment was to capture lights at night using a long exposure time. Among all the photos taken, this was my favorite image of the night. A combination of street lights and sprinklers made the interesting fire-looking effect.