Tuesday, December 15, 2009

These self portraits are for my final project of the semester. I took them in the studio on a white backdrop. I edited these photos more than the rest by reducing saturation, changing exposure, touching up skin, and enhancing shadows, all done in photoshop. The photoshoot itself was an uncomfortable process at first, but I gradually became comfortable.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Meet Madeleine and Adriene, and Emily: the lovely model-student-athletes of Trinity University.

Image within an image: Reflections

more perspective

These shots deal with unusual perspectives...viewed differently than people would usually see the leaves. The compositions give a more artistic quality, looking more like a painting than a usual photo.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Inside a hut...

These shots are for my perspective assignment dealing with photographing subjects from a unique angle. I found this guy on the roof of the art building last week while he was attempting to clean the windows.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009


This is the pedestrian assignment...not no much pedestrians, but some friends in a coffee shop in Colorado Springs ordering their lunch. Rather than focus in on some of the more artistic things that go on in a coffee shop, I decided to capture a common, but distinct moment. Thought I'm usually a fan of bright colors, the consistent black clothing in the photo doesn't bother me.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Urban Nature

These are shots for my urban nature assignment. The photos were all taken in Colorado Springs, CO when I was there for a volleyball games. The city or industrial-like objects in the photos are the stop light, car, and mirror with buildings. Each of these objects contrast with the natural items in the photo such as trees, mountains and sky. In the "red leaf" photo, I used a shallow depth of field to blur the background.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Professionals

I was asked to look up some inspirational photographers. I've found a few which I came across in the book, America at Home. This book has amazing shots of daily life and diversity in Americans' lifestyle. A few photographers that caught my eye were Tim Klein, Dana Fineman, and Judy Griesedieck. Check out their sites.

still life...

Here's another still life for you. It's simple, but the contour lines of the fabric and reflection on the glass add some detail.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Still LIfe

Here's a still life image for my second digital photo assignment. The depth of field created a very focused foreground while the background is slightly blurred.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Just in Motion

Both of these photos capture justin's movement. He is clear in both photos, and in both photos the objects moving the fastest are blurred...the frisbee and the ping pong ball. Good times.

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Forbidden Fountain

According to my photo instructor...Trinity Fountain photos are prohibited because everyone takes too many pics of it. Oh well. This one's also a 30 second exposure taken at night.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Late Night Flashlight

This image also comes from the previous assignment dealing with long exposure times to capture lights at night. The process went a little like this:
1. Turn off lights.
2. Set exposure time to 30 seconds and press shutter button.
3. Wildly dance around dorm room with roommate and a couple flashlights.

Campus Lights

My first assignment was to capture lights at night using a long exposure time. Among all the photos taken, this was my favorite image of the night. A combination of street lights and sprinklers made the interesting fire-looking effect.